1130 E Missouri Ave. Ste 830, Phoenix, Arizona 85014


Beating Back-to-School Stress: 9 Tips for Keeping Your Relationship Strong

Have you noticed that during the busiest times of the year, your marriage often feels less satisfying and supportive? It’s no secret that life transitions place an extra strain on our most important relationships. [...]

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Vacation Alert: Why Conflicts (and Divorces) Rise after Couples Get Out of Town

Have you ever returned from a special trip with your spouse, only to wonder if your relationship is falling apart? If so, you’re not alone. A study from the University of Washington shows that [...]

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I’m Janae, a psychotherapist serving individuals and couples in Phoenix, Arizona. My clients live and work in all parts of the city, including North Central, Biltmore and Uptown, as well as the surrounding areas of Scottsdale, Arcadia, Paradise Valley, Moon Valley and McCormick Ranch. With nearly 25 years of experience, I am ready to help you.

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